
Faze founded and co-leads Octagon’s CEO excellence work, coaching technology teams in the public sector to maximize their effectiveness.

About Faze


Fiscal Responsibility in Federal Spending: Doing More with Less, Better

Fiscal responsibility in government isn’t just a catchphrase—it’s about using the taxpayers' money in the right way. The general notion is that government is inefficient and the way funds are deployed are irresponsible. Focus on fiscal spending is microscopical, especially now, that the economy throwing challenges

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Modernizing Federal Agencies: Strategies for Digital Transformation in U.S. Government

Ever wonder how our government keeps up with the lightning-fast pace of the digital world? It's not just about swapping typewriters for computers; it's a full-blown technological revolution that's transforming how Uncle Sam serves its citizens. Think of it like giving our government a

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Do you ever wonder how the IRS is transforming the way we interact with our tax system? It’s not just about filling out forms and sending checks; it’s a comprehensive effort that involves innovative technology, user-friendly platforms, and a commitment to clear communication. Think of it as a

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The concept of Citizen Experience (CX) has become increasingly pivotal in the context of U.S. government services, revealing a significant gap between citizen expectations and the reality of service delivery. This disparity not only affects the satisfaction of citizens but also incurs substantial costs for both the government and

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Why “Wisdom Work” Is the New “Knowledge Work”

Darrin Klimek/Getty ImagesSummary.   Today the workforce is getting older, and the number of younger workers in positions of senior management is growing. These two developments might appear to spell trouble, in that they seem to set the generations against one another, but the author of...more * We’re in

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International Cooperation in Aviation Security: Addressing Global Threats with Unified Strategies

Do you how the world keeps our skies safe from threats that know no borders? It's not just about metal detectors and luggage checks; it's a global effort involving countries, organizations, and a whole lot of cooperation. Think of it like an international crime-fighting team, but

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Flight Deck Security: Innovations in Cockpit Access and Protection

Ever wondered what it takes to keep the most critical part of an airplane – the flight deck – secure? We're not talking about a simple lock and key here. We're diving into the world of reinforced doors, high-tech access controls, and pilot training that rivals a spy

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The Role of AI and Machine Learning in Aviation Security Operations

The future of airport security – a future where artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are the new heroes, working tirelessly behind the scenes to keep you safe and sound. Gone are the days of relying solely on metal detectors and human intuition. Now, we have cutting-edge technology that can predict

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Emergency Response Prep: Enhancing Aviation Security Protocols

Ever wondered what happens behind the scenes when an airport faces a security threat or emergency? It's not just about quick thinking and bravery – it's about meticulous planning, coordinated response protocols, and highly trained professionals ready to spring into action. In this blog, we'll

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UAVs and Airspace Security: Risks and Regulations

Drones – those buzzing little gadgets that once seemed like futuristic toys – are now a common sight in our skies. From capturing stunning aerial footage to delivering packages, they've woven themselves into our everyday lives. But as their popularity soars, so do concerns about their impact on airspace security.

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Airport Insider Threats: Safeguarding from Internal Risks

Airport security: it's a phrase that conjures images of metal detectors, X-ray machines, and vigilant security personnel. But what if the biggest threat to aviation safety isn't coming from outside the airport, but from within? That's right – insider threats are a real and growing

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The Evolution of Passenger Screening: Balancing Security and Privacy Concerns

Ever wondered how airport security has evolved from the days of manual frisking to the high-tech scanners we see today? It's been quite a journey! Let's take a stroll through the timeline of passenger screening, explore the cutting-edge technologies that keep us safe, and address the

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